Autosammlung Steim

Autosammlung Steim, Schramberg, Germany

Visited in 2019

This is the private collection, assembled over the course of many years, of car enthusiast and businessman, Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jochem Steim. It is located in the heart of the Black Forest (Schwartzwald) in Schramberg. The museum contains about 130 cars from the turn of the century to more recent times.

1907 Ford Model S next to a 1911 Ford Model T

The Mercedes-Benz section

Ford Thunderbird

Volkswagen Type 166 Schwimmwagen and Type 83 Kübelwagen both from 1943

The museum building in Schramberg

The museum works together with the other museums in Schramberg, including the Auto und Uhrenwelt, reviewed here.


Autosammlung Steim
Göttelbachstrasse 49
78713 Schramberg
